Eletric cars

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Queensland University of Technology ENB200 – PROJECT PARTI Energy Generation and Distribution in Australia Investigation on the feasibility of electrical cars into the Australian market Table of Contents Queensland Universi ENB200 – PROJECT p Energy Generation a Investigation on the f market 1 or7 to view nut*ge lia 1 into the Australian Executive Summary 4 Introduction 5 Energy 6 Energy Efficiency6 Global Transportation Energy use 7 Emerging Vehicles technologies 7 Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV)8 Electric vehicles in Australia 10 Ownership of motor vehicles in Australia 1 1

ELECTRICITY GENERATION 12 Conclusion ii Appendix iii Glossary iii References iii demand. Introduction In thinking about future energy, we need to understand where current trends are taking us, What opportunities and challenges lie ahead, and What actions we can take proactively to determine our destiny rather than having it dealt to us. Predicting the future energy is a risky business, and past attempts to do so by government agencies have been largely unsuccessful.

Within this report over viewing economic and demographic statistics, we can best determine an energy use forecast as also nvestlgate potential consequences due to a mass production of electrical vehicles (EVs). It is often stated that alternative energy sources Will require a great deal of research and development effort. The introduction of EV’s into the Australian market is necessary to stop our dependency of Oil and carbon based energy to cleaner energy patterns. Energy Energy is one of the keys to understanding the universe and how physical and living systems work.

In fact, a simple definition of energy is a capacity to do work. Energy may change forms in any given process, as well chemical energy in wood is converted o heat and light in a campfire, or when the potential energy of water behind a dam is converted to mechanical energy as it spins a turbine, and then into electricity in the generator of a hydroelectric power plant. The flrst law of thermodynamics says we should be able to account for every bit of energy in such processes. Eq. 1. 1 Energy into a system = Useful energy delivered + wasted energy Energv Efficiency PAGFarl(F7 energy transformations, each with its own efficiency.

Eq. 1. 2 Energy efficiency (n) = Useful energy out / energy input As people around the World shift towards environmental esponsibility, conscious consuming is about being aware of the impact on the environment of What we buy. The solution lies in ethical consumerism, where consumers make a moral choice to buy products that are made ensuring the environment, along with human beings, are not exploited. Products supporting principles of sustainability such as energy efficiency, fair trade, organic farming, and local production are all examples of responsible buying.

In 2009, Australian state government began embarking on energy efficiency initiatives delivered via electricity retailers to help ouseholders reduce their energy consumption, and therefore lower greenhouse gas emissions. Ex. 1. 0 60 watt incandescent light globe x 8 hours aday 480 watt hours 15 watt CFL bulb x 8 hours a day = 120 watt hours Energy analysis is important to understand how much energy is used the efficiency of use and also how much energy it takes to produce energy.

Once energy use requirements are understood, economic analysis can be approached to evaluate cost effectiveness. Emerging Vehicles technologies Hybrid electric vehicles can improve efficiency considerably; therefore they are still dependent on gasoline for energy. Plug in hybrids (PHEVs) can be charged by grid power as also from excess power such as rooftop photovoltaic’s, wind povver or other renewable energy source. Figure 1: Argonne National Lab 2007 Hymotion, inc 2007. AIGF3ÜF7 Vehicles (BEV) During the 20th century the highways were dominated by petrol cars.

All those years the environment was polluted with exhaust fumes, and the motorists were been kept dependent on gas pumps. All this time a better technology was waiting for it’s time to come; a technology which was, and is, much more quiet, clean, energy-efficient and also has better endurance. Now, the next generation where engineers are facing a much complex sustainable solution for our future, the introduction of electrical cars to our society is present and increasingly been part ofour days.

The picture below demonstrates the scale of innovations where engineers most have been exposed and a trend where engineers are likely to develop new technologies. Figure 2: Waves ofTechnology Electric vehicles in Australia EVs, along with increased investment in public transport, are central to meeting the twin challenges of climate change and energy security. In Australia transportation contributes 14 per cent of Australia’s carbon pollution (79 Mt C02). The main source of transport emissions is road transport, which accounts for approximately 12 per cent.

Currently approximately 70% of our liquid fuel is sourced overseas; this Will grow as access to fuel sources in Australia continues to decline. Electrifying Australian transportation system, includlng electric vehicles, alongside a shift to clean energy Will produce a massive reduction in carbon pol ution from transport. At the sarne time Will free Australia from the threat of energy dependence. EVs also Offer enormous benefits in reducing local air and noise pollution and the potential for storage of renewable energy in vehicle batteries through smart grids. While afford smart grids.

While affordabi110,’ is an important factor in consumer take-up of EV, prices Will fall through technological improvements, particularly in battery technology, and economies of scale as the market share expands. Estimates for the potential current global market are small 1-2% over the next decade, but some forecasts predict an increase in ÉV market share of up to 30% by 2030, Therefore, e need to establish if infrastructure Will enable us to reduce our dependence on liquid fuels, additionally develop the infrastructure we Will need to make the transition to a low-carbon economy. 0th Century:Age of the combustion engine 21 st Century:Age of the electric vehicle Lower population densities, large travel distances. Higher population densities, shrinking cities, falling VKT, smart growth. Larger vehicles with high performance and long endurance. I Smaller, pedestrian-friendly vehicles. Abundant, indigenous petroleum. I Peak Oil and Price volatility. Geo-political conflict. Exhaust emissions soaked up by atmosphere. Car tailpipes less- smelly than horses. I Urban smog and chronic health problems. Global warming hadn’t been invented yet I Climate change mitigation and adaptation.

I Nationalised electric grids, centralized and subsidized I Privatised electric grids, traded on open markets. I Electriciry provided on-demand Extreme peak demand growth, T&D bottlenecks. “DirtY’ electricity — emissions soaked up by atmosphere Mandatory targets for renewable energy I Figure 3 If BEV’s continue improving electric drive motors, minimizing cost nd improve efficiency of technoloey PAGF5n,F7 improving electric drive motors, minimizing cost and improve efficiency of batteries, BEV technology is Iikely to replace hybrids and conventional fossil fuel cars.

There has been renewed interest in BEV’s in recent years as a result of surging gasoline prices and growing concern about carbon emissions. Leading the major company’s world wide is Tesla Motors, which unveiled its Tesla Roadster EV in 2006. The styIiSh high performance two-seater boasts a O to 95km/h in 4 seconds and consumes 17. 4 KWh/lOO kms. Figure 4: New Tesla Roadster EV Tesla recently announced it has set off to break the record in Australia for the longest road trip by an electric vehicle, travelling from Melbourne to Brisbane in a Tesla Roadster consuming zero petrol.

The heart of the vehicle consists of 68000 lithium-ion (Li-ion) cells, making a 450kg battery bank. The car can be fully charged in 3. 5 hours. Ownership of motor vehicles in Australia In March 2009, 92% of Australian households had one or more registered motor vehicle kept at home, compared with 89% In 2000. Western Australia had the highest proportion with 96% f households having one or more registered motor vehicles kept at home. Households with two or more registered motor vehicles were most common in Northern Territory (62%) and least common in New South Wales (51%).

The proportion of households with no motor vehicle was greater in state capta’ cities than in the balance of state/territory (9% and 6% respectively). Households situated outside of state cap tal cities had a higher proportion of three or more registered motor vehicles than those in capital cities (21% compared to 17%). The number of registered motor vehicles kept by Australian ouseholds in th compared to 17%). households in the previous 12 months stayed the same for 87% of households, increased by at least one for 8% of households, and decreased by at least one for 5% of households.

Figure 5: Number of registered motor vehicles kept at home – 2000 to 2009 Figure 6 : Vehicle Ownership Growth Rates ( Dargay, Gately, Sommer, 07) ELECTRICITY GENERATION Dunng 2008-09, Australian businesses generated 261 ,053 GWh of electricity with generated by the Electricity, gas and waste semices industry. Of the total electricity generated, 93% (or 243,474 GWh) used on-renewable fuels including Coal, coke or coal by-products (70% or 185,1 34 GWh) and Natural Gas (19% or 48,351 GWh).

The remaining 7% of electricity generated (17,579 GWh) was sourced from renewables, with hydroelectricity (1 1 ,849 GWh) the predominant source. Conclusion The best way for Australia to significantly reduce carbon pollution and deliver ongoing strong economic growth is to make the transition to a low emissions, clean energy economy sooner rather than later. Large-scale infrastructure investment is a major piece of Australia’s climate change puzzle. As population Appendix Glossary

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