
Categories: Trabalhos


Communicating to Change our Behaviour Brasov, 25-27 April 2007 Hйlder Guia Paulo, Moura, Portugal het -p to view next page Two different Perspect ives Facing the problem Best Energy is the on Perspective OF2 source sumed f You induce RES technologies factories on Your municipality, You Will create new and better jobs for Your people

Example: Moura municipality has induce a is “building the city maximum independence with its own resources” (solar, biomass, RES job’s; security supply; additional benefits are being accumulated And: Solar panels on public buildings Parking meters using solar energy A remarkable award in a Solar Energy Contest by Czech Republic 2005 / 2006 Weak Points

Contabilidade financeira


ESTRUTURA CONCEITUAL BÁSICA DA CONTABILIDADE Alguns conceitos Contabilidade: é um instrumento da função administrativa que tem por finalidade controlar o

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Atribuiзхes do supervisor escolar


O conceito da palavra supervisгo, segundo o sentido etimolуgico, vem das palavras super (sobre) e visгo (aзгo de ver). Indica

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