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Musica The ultimate Guide ta The perfect Bass setup version 1. 0 1 All riehts reserved, Free distribution ar lhe unaltered t:ontenl is permilted, This document is free, ItS sale is prohibited. Visit: mm,jerzydrazdbasses. cam y htl… Administrativo Ato administrativo Análise geral e conceito O ato administrativo como materialização do exercício da função administrativa stricto sensu consagra a busca da concretização dos conceitos primários, gerais e abstratos contidos na…

Sedentarismo DesnutriA5AEo; conseqA’,Wncias em longo prazo e efeitos da recuperaA5AEo nutricional LydiA SAwAyA H SaAUde, nutri,ASAEo e condiAhApes de vida je em dia, AC cada vez mais claro que, para uma compreensAEo real das doe… Loading,-, Resumo a estrategia do oceano azul – cap 6 FUNDAÇÃO EDUCACIONAL MONSENHOR MESSIAS CENTRO UNIVERSITÁRIO DE SETE LAGOAS Unidade Acadêmica de Ensino de Ciências Gerenciais Administração NAYARA CAMPELO JOÃO PAULO COTA RENAN GERALDO A ESTR…

Desalfataçáo do petróleo ACIDENTE OCORRIDO EM 1 5/09/2008 LOCAL: LABORATORIO DE DECASFALTAÇÃO DE PETROLEO – UFRJ, RIO DE JANEIRO, MOTIVO: DESCONTROLE DA BOMBA DE PRESSÃO, QUANTIDADE MINIMA DE REAGENTES. ASFALTENOS: os Relatório de estagio supervisionado I FACULDADE JOAQUIM NABUCO 2 CURSO DE ADMINISTRAÇÃO S MÁRCIA MARIA OOS SANTOS SILVA 2 S 4 5 6 7 8 RELATÓRIO DE ESTÁGIO SUPERVISIONADO 9 ADMINISTRAÇÃO FINANCEIRA 1 234 S 67 8 Administração Bruna Galuáo de Souza de Moraes D’EIIa Rossini Oliveira Contabilidade como Ferramenta para o Sucesso das Organizações Lauras – MG 22 de Ncp. embro de Introduction Waiver 9 Safety: 9 Chapter 1 Preparing Your Instrument defore You Begin 11 Choosing a Place to Work 1 1 Tools 12 Getting the Instrument Ready 13 Cleaning the Fingerboard 13 Cleanlng the Bridge 14 Cleaning the Electronics 15 Chapter 2 Adjusting the Instrument Changing the Strings 17 Pre-Adjustment of the Bridge – Height 18 Neck Adjustment 22 The Neck Adjustment Process 29 Bridge — Setting the Intonation 31 The Intonation Setting Process 32 C 2009 Al rights reserved. Free distribution ofthe unaltered content is permitted. This document is free.

Its sale is prohibited. Visit: www. jerzydrozdbasses. com y http://www. electricbasssecrets. com 4 The Ultimate Guide to The Perfect Bass Setup version 1. 0 2 OF This document is free. Its sale is prohibited. Visit: www. jerzydrozdbasses. com y 5 version 1 -O Important Information: This book is for free distribution. You may copy it and distribute it or include it with other products at no charge, as long as the ful’, unaltered text appears and it is provided in either pdf or printed formata You are allowed to publish excerpts from this book only if you include the following links: www. erzydrozdbasses. com and wwrw. electric-bass-secrets. com. Unless another source is indicated, all text and images appearing in this work are protected under the author’s copyright. The author of this book has no commercial affiliation or contract with any of the registered trademarks (O or w) used as examples for urposes of demonstrating the various processes and setups. These trademarks include: Fender@, Jazz Bassw, Tobias@, Rickenbacker@ and MusicMan@, among others. 3 OF it directly from our webpage, www. jerzydrozdbasses. com, as a subscriber to our mailing list, we Will notify you by e-mail any time we make an update. If you have received this book as an enclosure with another product or through a third party, we recommend thatyou subscribe to our mailing list and Newsletter as soon as possible in order to keep informed of any future updates. You can subscribe right now by clicking on the following link: http:mvww. erzydrozdbasses. com/subscripcion-newsletter -en. tml Ifyou have any further information on a topic related to electric bass setup that isn’t included here, you can address these concerns or questions to our Forum at this link: http://vw. n. n. v . jerzydrozdbasses. com/forum/viewforum php? f=19 In this way, we can continue to update this book, adding any topics of interest that haven’t yet been addressed in future editions in arder to make this manual as complete as possible, covering every type and style of electric bass currently available on the market. This is the first edition ofthls Guide.

If you find any errors, please let us know so that we can correct them in future editions. You can contact me directly at: info@jerzydrozdbasses. com. C 2009 AII rights reserved. Free distribution ofthe 7 he Ultimate Guide to version 1 ntroduction he Perfect Bass Setup n my honest opinion, every bass player should know 4 Perfect Bass Setup In my honest opinion, every bass player should know how to set up his or her own instrumenta Even though some bass players know how to do it, most turn to a professional to do it for them.

So, you might ask, “Why should learn how to set up my bass f a professional guitar maker (or luthier) can do it for me? ” In time, you Will probably discover more reasons, but for now, I Will give you two: First: because if you learn to do it yourself, you Will save a lot of money, time and travel. Second: the setup Will be much more customized according to your personal playing style. The process itself is relatively simple, but it requires a lot of experience before you Will be able to do it optimally.

I’m not going to lie to you: you won’t learn how to do it overnight, but each time you make adjustments to your bass, you Will do it better than the ime before and one day, you Will reach a point where you can set up your own instrument in terms of your personal criteria and needs better than any professional ever could. As far as know there is no other definitive, simple and precise guide available on the market about how to set up an electric bass. This Guide was written especially for you and for those bass players who would Ike to learn this process, but don’t know where to begn.

Even though it has been written with the electric bass in mind, it can also be used for setting up electric guitars or other similar instruments because the procedures are exactly the OF electric guitars or other similar instruments because the procedures are exactly the same. Read it, then read it again and make it an indispensable part of your instrument maintenance toolkit. This is why have written this book, as my gift to you. Jerzy Drozd C 2009 All rights reserved. Free distribution ofthe Its sale IS prohibited. Visit: www. jerzydrozdbasses. com y 8 version 1 .

O This Guide is for educational purposes only. The author Will not be held responsible in any way for damage of any kind, whether personal or material, resulting from the incorrect use or interpretation of the contents of this book. The user of this guide Will be solely responsible in the event of any such damage. n order to avoid any unnecessary losses, read the instructions and warranties before handling any musical instrument, so that you Will be sure use according to the manufacturer’s recommendations and within the terms of the manufacturer’s guarantee.

Safety: Any adjustment that involves tightening the strings or screws or applying any force in general carries certain risks. Be sure to follow all safety regulations and If available, use protective eyewear and gloves to protect your eyes and hands from any ossible harm. 6 OF of the unaltered content is perm•tted. This document is free. 10 Before You Begin Keep in mind that manipulating the truss-rod or other elements of your bass is prohibited while your instrument is still under warranty. If this is the case, recommend that you take your instrument to a professlonal luthier.

Ifyou are a complete novice, also recommend that you practice first on an inexpensive instrument before trying these procedures on your own instrument. If something goes wrong with an instrumentyou aren’t using anyway, your mistake won’t cause any problems and ou Will learn from it- Remember that trial and error is the best way to learn, as long as you learn from your mistakes so that you won’t repeat them. 47 temperature before making adjustments to it during this time of the year. This may take a couple of hours. Remove the instrument from its case and place it in a location away from any direct heat sources.

Choosing a Place to Work You should choose a place that has enough room to give you unobstructed access to your instrument. The best option would be a table that is large enough to fit the whole instrument. Place a blanket or towel underneath your instrument to avoid cratching it 11 Tools Before you begin, you should have all of the necessary tools ready: 1. Standard or Phillips screwdrivers, depending on the make of your instrument, in order to remove the truss-rod plate ifyour bass has one or to unscrew the battery plate if your bass has active pickups 2.

A battery or batteries, if your bass has active pickups; you Will normally need a gv battery or two of them in the case of an 1 8v bass 3. A set of gauges to adjust the height of the strings; ifyou dont have one, you can improvise with a credit card 4. A new set of strings 5. Allen wrenches, if vou nee 8 OF ridge tester 6. yet, a chamois the 8. Spirit of turpentine for cleaning fingerboard 9. Templates for determining the curvature of the fingerboard; if they aren’t available, you Will find some cut-out templates at the end ofthls book here along with specific instructions on how to use them correctly 10.

Small wire cutters to cut the strings Tip 42 If your instrument needs a thorough cleaning it Will be necessary to remove all of the strings in order to access every part of it. Remember that routine adjustments that don’t involve a thorough cleaning won’t require removng the strngs and in fact, t is highly recommended not to remove them. This could cause the neck to become dislocated, due to the tension of the strings not compensating for the tension of the truss-rod, and as a result, it Will take even longer to return the instrument to its correct alignment.

Remember: During routine maintenance, you should change the strings one by one. 12 he Ultimate Guide to he Perfect Bass Setup Getting the Instrument Ready If a Iot of time has passed since the instrument has been adjusted, it would be a good idea to give your bass a good cleaning. For this, you Will need a brush, a piece offlannel or a hamais, a cleaning produ surfaces or one that is chamois, a cleaning product for finished surfaces or one that is made especially for guitars and, last of all, walnut or teak Oil and spirit of turpentine. . Remove the strings 2. If you are going to make adjustments after cleaning, it won’t be necessary to loosen the truss-rod. 3. If you are planning on leaving the instrument without strings for more than 7-8 days after cleaning it, it Will be helpful to loosen the truss-rod so that the neck won’t warp, which can be very difficult to correct later on. Tip f you are going to make adjustments after cleaning, it won’t be ecessary to loosen the truss-rod in the neck.

If you are planning on leawng the instrument without strings for more than 7-8 days after cleaning it, it Will be helpful to loosen the truss-rod so that the neck won’t warp, which can be very d’fficult to correcta Loosen the truss-rod if you are planning on leaving the instrument without strings for more than 7-8 days. Remember: Cleaning the Fingerboard f you haven’t cleaned the fingerboard up until now or if a lot of time has passed since you last cleaned it, you should take advantage of this opportunity to Clean and polish the wood. 13 0 DF 47

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