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27/01/12 SAP Communit Network Blogs Log In Register About Us How to Contribute Languages Store Welcome Guest SDN Communit Home Fo m Wiki Blogs BPX communit A icle eLea ning Business Anal tics Do nload Universit Aliances SAP ECOHub I 7 Swipe to page E en InnoCen i e Idea Place SAP Help Po al Code E change MEMBER LOGIN Login pa o d? Blogs No a membe ? Ho o Blog Loading transactional data from an infocube to BPC Application in BPC7NW any infocube in BW into BPC Application using Data Manager in BPC7NW. Options available for cube to cube data load: CONTRIBUTORS CORNER contribute on SCN Ho o con ib e

Recogni ion P og am O e ie Recogni ion P og am FAQ Quick Links Li of Con ib o Find he E pe Con ib ing Companie SAP Men o RUN BETTER ‘WITH SCN cea n ho C orne and pa ne RUN BETVER con a Inc. , CTO e SCN Wal Di ne Compan e SCN Ha le -Da id on e SCN Bo e e SCN Blog on SAP C ome panei a SAPTechEd There are many options available to the users of BPC7NW to get transactional data from a BW cube to BPC Application. Here are some of th 1. We can export the transactlonal data from any infocube in the form of flat file and then use Data Manager in BPC7NW to load that file to BPC Application.

The advantage of his option is that it is relatively very simple to administer and very flexible to adapt since dealing with a flat file when it comes to importing data into BPC Application. he limitation ofthis option is that here we are really no the BW platform. Ifwe have to load data from any other non-BW source, we can use exactly the same approach – export data fro exte data from any other non-BW source, we can use exactly the same approach – export data fro external data source to a flat file and then import that flat file into BPC.

So in essence, in this option we are treating BW infocube a external data source. There is another ostensible limitation that this option may portray – that this process can not be automated_ get a flat file export from an infocube and then import that flat file into BPC, then it may appear that there has to be a handoff from export to the import of flat file. However we can overcome this limitation, if we want to, by creating a custom process chain that in executes the process chain to import the flat file data into BPC Application. You can read more about that at https://www. dn. sap. com/irj/scn /webIogs? blog=/pub/wlg/12929 2. We can leverage BW Extraction, Transformation and Loading (ETL) tools to transfer transactional data from any infocube to the infby BPC Application. BPC Application in BPC7NW generates its own infocube in its namespace. We can use standard gW ETI_ techniq transform and load the data to the cube used by the BPC Application. (You can standard BW ETL techniq transform and load the data to the cube used by the BPC Application. (You can read more about BPC namespace at https://www. sdn. sap. com/irj/scn/weblogs ? log=/pub/wlg/11 279). This option also is valid one and it indeed leverages the BW platf this can very well be automated f we desire to do so- Further this option can handle deltas very efficiently since we can use the de mechanisms in BW. Lastly, using the ETL toolset is a proven, scalable and very robust technique to handle data within BW. Howeve also beset with several limitations. Firstly, hfocube for the BPC Application Will need to be switched to loading mode while loading it then switch it back to planning mode after loading is complete.

This means that during that time, it Will not be available for planning front end. So the ETC load has to coordinated with the BPC users to avoid any potential mishaps like the automated process switchi ube to loading mode when a planner is in the middle of updating his/her plana Secondly, in BPC7NW, we can maintain validations to data written to BPC Application so that invalid records are not writte validations to data written to BPC Application so that invalid records are not written and data integrity IS maintained.

If we use BW ETL, it Will byp validation mechanism completely and there is a risk of invalid records being wrltten to BPC application. The validation mechanism wil the records that have already been written. Thirdly, the BPC audit logs Will not be updated if we use BW ETL since it won’t invoke a functionality. Fourthly, the data Will always be additive – for example if we have 10 in the cube and then write 100, the result Will a This is just a consideration rather than a limitation.

Finally, if and when the BPC user executes full optimize’ for the BPC Application, up generating a totally new cube which is more optimized than the previous one. In that case, all the ETC work that was done for th cube Will be dropped from the new cube. At present, the full optimize’ option does not automatically inherit the ETI_ configuration do earlier BPC cube. The building blocks for the ETI_ like the datasource, infosource etc Will still be there in BW but they would be requir linked again to the new cube. 3.

This brin Will still be there in BW but they would be requir linked again to the new cube. 3. This brings us to the third option which we Will discuss in much more detail. This option is to use the Data Manager in BPC7NW to loa transactional data from any Infoprovider in BW to the BPC Application. This option overcomes almost all the limitations enumerated this is executed from within BPC itself. This can very well be scheduled from within Data Manager or by invoking the Data Manager from a custom process chain. So let us see how exactly we should go about realizing this.

Creating transformation file: Before we run the data manager package to load data, we should prepare the transformation and conversion files. An example of a transfo that we can use to load data from other infoproviders is given below. FOLLOW SAP COMMUNITY NETWORK www. sdn. sap. com/irj/scn/weblogs? blog-/pub/wlg/14002 Plea e no e he mapping ec ion. The dimen ion name in he BPC Applica ion a e mapped o he co e ponding cha ac e i ic f om he Inf fom he e e an o load he da a. Plea e no e haafa a he BPC dimen lon name a e e ic fom he Inff om he ee an o load he da a.

Plea e no e ha afa a he BPC dimen ion name a e conce ned, e a e ing he dimen ion nam he echnical name of he BW cha ac e ic co e ponding o ho e dimen ion ) he ea hen e map hem o he Infop o ide cha ace m e he echnical name of he BW cha ac e i ic . Fo e ample, he TIME dimen ion in BPC mapped o OFISCPER cha ac e ic in BWi he BPC Dimen ion name he ea OFISCPER i he echnical name of he BW cha ac e i ic in he o ce Infop o ide . Al o plea e no e h fo AMOUNT. The AMOIJNT i mapped o he echnical mane of he ke fig e in he o ce Infop o ide . So in hl ca e, ZMAOUNTOI i he name of he ke fig e in he o ce Infop o ide .

In hi ega d, plea e no e ha he o ce BW Infop o ide can ha e m I iple ke fig e . If o, e can choo e onl one ke fige in a a file ince o BPC c be ha onl one ke fig e. Iffo an ea on, o ha e aia ion he e o ha e o ge da a fom o o mo e ke f can e m I iple an fo ma ion file and n he da a manage package m iple ime i h each an fo ma ion file. Ho e e in ha ca e, ha he da a fom all ho e ke fig e ill end p in he ame ingle ke fig e in he BPC c be. Wha if he e i no co e po om all ho e ke fig e ill end pin he ame ingle ke fig e in he BPC c be.

Wha if he e i no co e pondlng cha ac e i ic In he o ce Infop o ide fo a dimen ion in BPC? Wha ife an o ha e a ingle defa I da a load ega dle of ha e i in he o ce Infop o ide ? Well, in ha ca e, e can e he ke o d *NEWCOL in he an fo ma ion co e ponding BPC dimen ion. Plea e ee he e ample of he an fo ma ion file belo He e fo he ca ego dimen ion, ea e fo cing he defa I al e of FORECAST in he da a load. Simila fo he dimen ion P DATASRC, e no coe ponding BW cha ac e ic in he o ce Infop o ide , ii OK- e can al a pa he defa I al e h o gh o an fo ma ion f Wha Ife an o load onl a be ofhe da a fom he o ce Infop o ide ?

In ha ca e, Plea e ee he e ample of he follo ing an fo ma ion file: e can ene o elec ion in e an fo ma Plea e no e ha in he OPTIONS ec ion, e ha e en e ed a elec ion o elec da a fom onl o cha ac e ic al e C2000 and C 1000 cha ac e i ic ZACCTOI . Hence e a e elec ing onl a b e of he o ce Infop o ide . Yo can en e elec ion f om m I iple cha ace i he elec ion and h load da a fom a pecific da a lice in he o cefom Infop o ide iple cha ac e i he elec ion and h load da a fom a pecific da a lice in he o ce f om Infop o ide . Creating con ersion file: In addi ion o he an fo ma ion file, e can ha e con e ion file and efe hem in he an fo ma ion file .

Thi i nece a if he ma e in he BPC imen ion in he BPC Applica ion (dimen ion membe ) and he cha ac e i ic in he o ce nfop o ide (cha ac e i ic al e) a Tho e con e ion file e can efe in he an fo ma ion file a ho n belo : He e, he con e ion fo TIME dimen ion a e ead fom he file ZBICGROI TIME. XLS. Tha con e ion file can ha e he mapping be een In Here, the conversions for TIME dimension are read from the file ZBICGROI TIME. XLS. That conversion file can have the mapping between in time dimension members and external (OFISCPER) values. That conversion file is shown below: Here ? s used as a wildcard so that we don’t have to write onversion for each year. This conversion file can work for any year. Another ex conversion file for account is shown below: In addition to writing such conversion files for BPC conversion file for account is shown below: In addition to writing such conversion files for BPC dimensions, we can write the conversion for AMOI_JNT if necessary. For example, if we w the data coming over for a particular dimension member during the load, we can write the formula in the conversion file for AMOUNT as sho So in this case, the data for account CE0004220 Will be increased by 10% during the load.

Valida ing he an fo ma ion file: Afterwe prepare the transformation and conversion files, the next step would be to get the transformation validated WIth the source Infop BPC7NW gives additional options for validation as shown below: We should select the option ‘transaction data from infocube’ and enter the technical name of the Infoprovider. Please note that though the reads transaction data from infocube’ it works with DSO also in the same way. The validatlon then can validate our transformation and conversion files against the data in the source Infoprovider and gives us the result below: g/ 14002 R nning he da a manage pack



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