
Categories: Trabalhos


THE GRACIE DIET TABLE OF FOODS CHEMICALLY COMBINED GROUP A: F00ds That Combine With Each Other Plus One of Group B: Almond Artichoke Asparagus Avocado Beets – red Brazilian Nuts Broccoli Butter Cabbage Carrots Cashews Cauliflower Celery Chicken Cocoa Coconut -dned Corn on the Cob Crab Meat Crabs Cucumber Eggplant Eggs – chicken/fish Endive Fat in General – Oils, etc. Fish French Beans Garlic Green Beans Green Mustard Green Onions Green Peppers Hazelnuts Leeks Lettuce Lobster Meats Mushrooms Mussel Octopus Olives Olive 011 Onion Oregano Oysters Parsley Peanuts peas – fresh Pumpkin Radishes Savoy

Cabbage Sesame Shellfish Shrimp Spinach Squash Squid Thistle Svipe view p Tomatoes – Sweet Tu Group B: Foods That Barley Breadfruit Che oried Beans oned pe 4 ne Another: Flour Corn – dried ms And all other starches and flours Oats Pearl Barley Potato Rice Rye Sweet Potato Wheat and Derivatives Macaroni Lentils Soybean Group C: Foods That Combine With Each Other Plus One of Group B If They Aren’t Prepared in Fat: Apple – Delicious Bananas dried. aked or cooked Cream Cheese Cheese – fresh, cottage Persimmons Plums Dates Grapes – Muscatel Guava Honey Jaca Tree Fruit Melons -honeydew, antaloupe crenshaw, casaba Watermelon Papaya Sweet Pears – D’anjour, Comice pru Swige to víew next page Prunes Coconuts – fresh Ricotta Cheese Figs RalSlns Sugar Cane Syrup Syrup Coffee / Decaffeinated Teas of: Leaves / peals of Oranges Lemon Peel Black / Herb Tea Group D: Foods That DO NOT Combine With Each Other Or Anything Else: Apple – acidic Apricot Blackberries Cider Cherry Currants Curdied Milk Grape – acidic Grapefruit Lemon Loquat Yogurt Mango Peach Pear – acidic Plum – acidic Pineapple Pomegranate Orange Quince Raspberry Strawberry Tangerine Kefir Group E: Raw Bananas Combine With:

Apples – Delicious Cheese Cream – fresh Figs – fresh Grapes – Moschatel Melons – sweet Watermelon Sweet Pears – D’anjour, Comice Prunes- sweet Persimmon And all other sweet fruits when fresh Do Not Combine With: Avocado Butter Dried Fruits Honey Olive Oil Oil and Sugar in General Sugar Cane Prunes syrup/ juice/syrups Oil and fat in general (all of Group B) Group F: Milk Combines With: All of Group B Banana – raw or baked Saccharin and similar Cooked Yolk Milk derivatives except: curdied mllk kefir yogurt (and other curdied milk products) Does NOT combine with: All of Group A Fruits in general Egg Whites Meats Oily Fruits Olives Sugar in General Oils and Fats Sweets in General OBSERVATIONS: Egg yolk. aw or cooked, fresh coconut, brewers yeast, coffee, and several kinds ofteas are compatible with any food, for they are considered neutral. AVOID: Sweets and canned foods in syrup, pepper, clove cinnamon, must 20F are considered neutral. AVOID: Sweets and canned foods in syrup, pepper, clave, cinnamon, mustard, pickles, vinegar DON’ T EVER EAT: Pork of any kind. NOTE: Bread, to be less fermentable, shall be made out of pure or natural flour and eaten 24 hours after baked. Then should be eaten as toast or oven warmed. IMPORTANT: In arder to avoid a chemical conflict, it is ESSENTIAL that meals are at LEAST 4 and a half hours apart. DO NOT ANYTHING BETWEEN MEALS. Group A cooked F00d: It is best to make your own food at home until you become familiar with these eating habits.

This way, it Will become easier to decide what to eat at restaurants or fast food places. Many restaurants use a wide variety of condiments, spices and sauces which are not recommended on the “Gracie Diet”. Keep this in mind when ordering. You want to eat as much basic fresh foods as possible. If you are in a situation where you are eating on the un, it is best to go to the nearest grocery store and get some fresh fruit or vegetables and make a meal this way or you can get a fish/chicken or meat sandwich, (no condiments). DRINK WATER. French fries would not combine with this because potato does not combine with bread. Maybe you Will want to order 2 or 3 sandwiches because nothing else combines.

It is Ideal to have your cooked meal in the afternoon with a fruit meal in the evening as it is easier to digest. This is almost impossible for most of us to arrange. R 30F 14 in the evening as it is easier to digest. This is almost impossble for most of us to arrange. Remember that melted cheese is not the same as fresh cheese. The composition changes when melted and it becomes a “fat” and only combines with cooked foods. For instance, melted cheese on crackers does not combine with fruits. But the sarne cheese NOT melted can be eaten with fruit. The milder the cheese the better. Group B ABOUT STARCHES: No two starches can be eaten at the same sitting. For example, rice cannot be eaten with beans.

Beans do not combine with tortillas, potato does not combine with bread, yet wheat noodles combine with bread because they are derived from the same starch – wheat. Remember the utritious Brans like Rice, Oat and Wheat bran would combine well with their proper family. Group C SWEET FRUITS: All sweet fruits combine with each other and one starch and cheese (fresh), see Group C. Dried fruit of the sweet kind also combine with fresh sweet fruits, (i. e. dried pears/papaya, etc. , with the exception of banana). It is fun to experiment with various juice blends. The calendar of suggested meal ideas gives some ideas on where to start and What fruit best combines with another.

We use a juicing machine and blender frequently when preparing our meals. A juicer is used for such fruits as apples, hard melons, carrots, ineapple and oranges. You can also use the juicer for making “ice cream” from frozen AGE 4 4 carrots, pineapple and oranges. You can also use the jucer for making “ice cream” from frozen fruits or fruit blends. Suggestions: peel and freeze bananas, then put through the juicer; blend melon juice, pear, dates and cheese – freeze and then put through the juicer is another idea. The blender is essential in combining the juices with additional fruit and to make juice from some fruits such as watermelon and grapes. See the Food Preparation Instruction Sheet) When the blender is used to make juices, you hen want to put the mixture through a juice bag (made ofthln/ strong cotton or nylon) or use a screen/sieve – to take out the seed particles. We happen to use the juicer/blender a lot because it is quick and extracts maximum amount of juice from fruits and vegetables. By all means, eating foods naturally without juicing or blending is fine too. In fact, this is often necessary when eating away from home. WEIGHT LOSS If you want to Iose weight, it is best to cut out most starches and fats. You Will not feel like you are starving if you just remember to ear lots of what you have chosen for that meal. An example of a weight Ioss diet would be to have two meals a day consisting of fruit, and one cooked meal a day of foods from Group A.

GROUP D ACID FRUITS: Never mx one kind of acid fruit With another – example; oranges do not combine with grapefruit. better to eat acid fruits in the morning. Because you sh 4 t is oranges do not combine with grapefruit. It is better to eat acid fruits in the morning. Because you should not mix other foods with acidic fruits, remember to eat as much as you can in one sitting. You can juice many of the fruits or eat them just as they are. It is advisable not to eat the pulp of some fruits. For example, when you sit down to eat 10-15 oranges, depending on their size, chew the orange or juice it and spit out the pulp (which is too hard to digest).

Summer fruits (peaches and plums), can be eaten completely without discarding the pulp (since the pulp is softer and easier to digest). DOES MILK DO A BODY GOOD? Sorry friends, the dairy industry is not concerned about doing your body good. The truth is, the less milkyou drink, the better. Even in nature, the animals only drink mllk during their formative years. After reaching adulthood, their body simply does not need milk anymore. Since many people enjoy drinking milk and may think it’s healthy for them, Iet me remind you that this is simply not true. In fact, milk causes your body to produce too much mucus. However, if you do drink milk, remember it only combines with: all group B (breads, cereals), mild cheeses and butter/margarine or bananas.

NOTE: No soft drinks or alcohol should be consumed. However, if you don’t want to stop, at least eat right!! IMPORTANT REMINDERS Ali meais shown on the Breakfast/ unch/Dinner Calendar (included in this p 6 4 IMPORTANT REMINDERS Ali meais shown on the Breakfasv Lunch/Dinner Calendar (included in this pamphlet) are complete n that they contain all the groups possible for each meal. Whenever a starch is shown, another can be put in it’s place. For example, rice with fish can be changed to potato with fish or any other starch you prefer for that meal. Wait at least 4 and a half hours between meals to be sure all food is digested before starting another meal.

If you do not feel hungry after 4 and a half hours, that usually means your food is still digesting, so It is best not to eat. Eat as much as you can at each meal to hold you over until the next one. Only water can be consumed between meals. Always peel the skins off any fruits or vegetables. Many poisonous insecticides are used. Stay away from juices found in cans or bottles even if it says that they are 100% natural and have no preservatives. You can be sure they have been on the Shelf longer than a few days. Nothing can be compared to the fresh fruit juice you make before you sit down to eat. When eating sweet fruits, remember cheese and crackers are optional and dont have to be eaten with every fruit meal (especially if you want to lose weight).

When eating cooked foods, there are a few treats you can include to give more variety such as: raw nuts (pecans, cashew, almonds, alnuts), alfalfa sprouts, avocado and the different brans (rice, oat, wheat). Av 4 oat, wheat). Avocado/cashews (or any other high protein nut), can be considered an adequate substitute for meats, fish and eggs. Remember, milk only combines with: starches, butter, cheese or bananas. Vegetable juices are shown with many cooked meals but this does not mean you should have it eveo,’ day. You can drink carrot juice plain or add other vegetables to a carrot base, such as celery, cucumber, bell pepper, radish, beet, garlic, etc.. See Group A) There are some cheeses on the market considered “fresh”. A few to consider are cottage cheese, Monterey jack and creem cheese. Raw milk cheese (found in health food stores) are also an option. The milder the cheese the better. Stay away from Sharp tasting, spicy or aged cheese. When buying breads or cereal, you Will notice they are made with a variety of starches. For example many breads contain more than one starch (i. e. wheat flour, barley flour, oat bran, corn meal, etc.. ) Keep this in mind because it is best to use a one starch bread or cereal. Also many breads/cereals have honey and sugar in them and this would not combine with cooked food.

Breads with much Oil and crackers o not combine with the fruit category. Wasa, Cavil, or crackers which have little or no salt. Visit your local health food store and read labels. Do not eat Acidic Fruits (Group D), more than three (3) times a week. It 80F 14 labels. week. It is wise to stock up on fruits thatyou Will be eating often. Plan ahead so that when it is time to eatyou Will have something that combines. This way you avoid eating just anything in the house. Do not make your juices and store in the refr’gerator to drink later. It Will spoil and lose vitamins. Also remember to try and not repeat the same food within a 24 hour period. NEVER EAT DESSERT! Ifyou are still hungry after a meal, eat more.

The chemical reaction of dessert, such as a cookie, ice cream or even a fruit, Will cause all kinds of problems sooner or later. Learn to Ilke the combinations that are good for your health! Note: Nylon juice bags are available for $6. 00 each. Call the office at (310) 782-1309 or send a check to: Gracie Jiu-jitsu 1951 W. Carson St. Torrance, CA 90501 Please specify how many juice bags you would Ilke. FOOD PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS Apple Juice and Banana Group E Peel five apples, cut into slices to fit in the juicer (no need to take out the seeds). Add this juice to 3-4 bananas, put into blender and blend. Add loz. cream cheese – optional. Grape Juice Group C Separate 1-2 Ibs. f sweet grapes – wash well in hot water (to take off pesticides as much as possible) fill blender, after blended pass through juice bag Oranges Group D Peel 10-20 oranges and separate into sections to pass through juicer or eat w juice bag Oranges Group D Peel 10-20 oranges and separate into sections to pass through juicer or eat whole (remember to spit out the pulp) Watermelon Juice Group C Chop up some watermelon (with seeds and all), put into blender, mix then pass hrough juice bag. Pineapple Group D Peel and cut pineapple in sections thin enough to go through a juicer or cut pieces, put in juice bag, squeeze by hand and drink it. Cantaloupe Juice Group C Cut into pieces lengthwise and put through juicer. 1 cantaloupe makes almost two 80z. glasses Milk and Bananas Group E 3-4 Bananas (or more) blended with milk RECIPE SUGGESTIONS BROCCOLI SOUFFLÉ: Broccoli onjons 2 eggs Cheese peei the broccoli stalks. Barely cover with water and cook with onions, garlic,and small amount of butter/margarine.

After cooked, drain off water and save it. Mash broccoli into small pieces with ork. Make a thick cream with the saved water by adding flour to it. (Flour should match whatever starch may be being served with the meal). Add 2 egg yolks and hand grated cheese, the milder the cheese the better. Beat 2 eggs whites till fluffy and add. Mix well. Put in Pyrex baking dish. Sprinkle grated cheese on top, place in preheated oven at 350 degrees till done- ALL OTHER VEGETABLES: All vegetable soufflés are the same except cauliflower, which should be chopped into small pieces instead of mashed. Also, the water from cooking is not used because the taste is 0 DF 14



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