
Categories: Trabalhos


Index to Tables in SI Units TABLE A-1 TABLE A-2 TABLE A-3 TABLE A-4 TABLE A-5 TABLE A-6 TABLE A-7 TABLE A-8 TABLE A-9 TABLE A-IO TABLE 1 TABLE A-12 TABLE A-13 TABLE A-14 TABLE A-15 TABLEA-16 TABLE A-17 TABLE A-18 TABLE A-19 TABLE A-20 TABLE A-21 TABLE A-22 TABLE A-23 TABLE A-24 TABLE A. 5 TABLE A-26 TABLE A-27 Atomic or Molecular Weights and Critical Properties of Selected Elements and Compounds Properties of Saturated Water (Liquid— Vapor): Temperature Vapor): Pressure Tabl properties of Compr Water (Solid-Vapor): Refrigerant 22 (Liquid I orno Swipe to page rated Water (Liquid- ated Water Vapor rties of Saturated able Properties of Saturated Refrigerant 22 (Liquid-Vapor): Pressure Table Properties of Superheated Refrigerant 22 Vapor Properties of Saturated Refrigerant 134a (Liquid-Va Swlpe vlew nexl page (Liquid-Vapor): Temperature Table Properties of Saturated Refrigerant 134a (Liquid-Vapor): Pressure Table Propertles of Superheated Refrigerant 134a Vapor Properties of Saturated Ammonla (Liquld-Vapor): Temperature Table properties of Saturated Ammonia (Liquid-Vapor): Pressure Table Properties of Superheated Ammonia Vapor Properties of Saturated Propane (Liquid-Vapor): Temperature Table Properties of Saturated Propane (Liquid-Vapor): Pressure Table Properties of Superheated Propane Vapor Properties of Selected Solids and Liquids: CP, , and .

Ideal Gas Specific Heats of Some Common Gases Variation of cp with Temperature for Selected Ideal Gases Ideal Gas Properties of Air Ideal Gas Properties of Selected Gases Constants for the van der Waals, Redlich—Kwong, and Benedict- Webb-Rubin Equations of State Thermochemical Properties of Selected Substances at 298 K and 1 atm Standard Molar Chemical Exergy, e ch (kJ/kmol), of Selected Substances at 298 K and po Logarithms to the Base 1 0 of the Equilib PAGF 7 OF ago f Selected Substances at 298 K and po Logarithms to the Base 10 of the Equilibrium Constant K 719 720 722 724 728 729 730 731 732 736 737 738 741 742743 747 748 749 753 754 755 756 758 762 763 764 765 718 Tables in SI Units 719 Atormc or Molecular Weights and Critical properties of Selected Elements and Compounds TABLE A-1 Substance Acetylene Air (equivalent) Ammonia Argon Benzene Butane Carbon Carbon dioxide Carbon monoxide Copper Ethane Ethyl alcohol Ethylene Helium Hydrogen Methane Methyl alcohol Nitrogen Octane Oxygen Propane Propylene Refrigerant 12 Refrigerant 22 Refrigerant 134a Sulfur dioxide Water Chernical Formula C2H2 — NH3 Ar C6H6 C4HIO C C02 CO cU C2H6 C2H50H C2H4 He H2 CH4 CH30H N2 C8H18 02 C3H8 C3H6 cc12F2 CHClF2 CF3CH2F S02 H20 M (kg/kmol) 26. 04 28. 97 17. 03 39. 94 78. 11 58. 12 12. 01 44. 1 28. 01 63. 54 30. 07 46. 07 28. 05 4. 003 2. 016 16. 04 32. 04 28. 01 1 14. 22 32. 00 44. 09 42. 08 120. 92 86. 48 102. 03 64. 06 18. 02 Tc (K) 309 133 406 151 563 425 — 304 133 — 305 516 28 PAGF 3 OF ago 44. 09 42. 08 120. 92 86. 48 102. 03 64. 06 18. 02 Tc (K) 309 133 406 151 563 425 — 304 133 — 305 516 283 5. 2 33. 2 191 513 126 569 154 370 355 385 369 374 431 647. 3 (bar) 62. 8 37. 7 112. 8 48. 6 49. 38. 0 73. 9 35. 0 48. 8 63. 8 51 . 2 2. 3 13. 0 46. 4 79. 5 33. 9 24. 9 50. 5 42. 7 46. 2 41. 2 49. 8 40. 7 78. 7 220. 9 pcvc RTc 0. 274 0. 284 0. 242 0. 290 0. 274 0. 274 — 0. 276 0. 294 — 0,285 0. 249 0. 270 0300 0,304 0290 0. 20 0291 0,258 0,290 0. 276 0. 276 0. 278 0. 267 0. 260 0. 268 0. 233 Sources: Adapted from International Critical Tables and L. C. Nelson and E. F. Obert, Generalized Compressibility Charts, Chem. Eng. , 61: 203 (1954). Table A-1 720 Tables in SI units TABLE A-2 Properties of Saturated Water (Liquid-Vapor): Temperature Table Specific Volume m3/kg Internal Energy’ kJ/kg Sat. Liquid uf 0. 0 1 6. 77 20. 97 25. 19 33. 59 42. 00 46. 20 50. 41 54. 60 58. 79 62. 99 57. 18 71. 38 75. 57 79. 76 83. 95 88. 14 92. 32 96. 51 100. 70 104. 88 109. 06 113. 25 117. 42 121. 60 125. 78 129. 96 134. 14 138. 32 142. 50 146. 67 150. OF ago 96. 51 100. 70 104. 88 109. 06 113. 5 11742 121 . 60 125. 78 129. 96 134. 14 138. 32 142. 50 146. 67 150. 85 159. 20 167. 55 188. 44 sat. vapor ug 2375. 3 2380. 9 2382. 3 2383. 6 2386. 4 2389. 2 2390. 5 2391. 9 2393. 3 23947 2396. 1 2397. 4 2398. 8 2400. 2 2401 . 6 2402. 9 2404. 3 2405. 7 2407. 0 2408. 4 2409. 8 2411. 1 2412. 5 2413. 9 2415. 2 2416. 6 2418. 0 2419. 3 2420. 7 2422. 2423. 4 24247 2427. 4 2430. 1 2436. 8 sat. Liquid hfo. 01 16. 78 20. 98 25. 20 33. 60 42. 01 46. 20 50. 41 54. 60 58. 80 62. 99 67. 19 71. 38 75. 58 79. 77 83. 96 88. 14 92. 33 96. 52 100. 70 104. 89 109. 07 113. 25 117. 43 121. 61 125. 79 129. 97 134. 15 138. 33 142. 50 146. 68 150. 86 159. 21 167. 57 188. 5 E-nthalpy kJ/kg E-vap. hfg 2501. 3 2491 . g 2489. 6 2487. 2 2482. 5 2477. 7 2475. 4 2473. 0 2470. 7 2468. 3 2465. 9 2463. 6 2461 . 2 2458. 8 2456. 5 2454. 1 2451 2449. 4 2447. 0 2444. 7 2442. 3 2439. 9 2437. 6 2435. 2 2432. 8 2430. 5 2428. 1 2425. 7 2423. 4 2421. 0 241 8. 6 2416. 2 2411. 5 2406. 7 23948 sat. apor hg 2501. 4 2508. 7 2510. 6 2512. 4 2516. 1 2519. 8 2521 . 6 2523. 4 2525. 3 2527. 1 2528. 9 2530. 8 2532. 6 2534. 4 2536. 2 2538. PAGF s OF ago 2510. 6 2512. 4 2516. 1 2519. 8 2521 . 6 2523. 4 2525. 3 2527. 1 2528. 9 2530. 8 2532. 6 2534. 4 2536. 2 2538. 1 2539. 9 2541. 7 2543. 5 2545. 4 2547. 2 2549. 0 2550. 8 2552. 6 2554. 5 2556. 3 2558. 1 2559. 2561. 7 2563. 5 2555. 3 2567. 1 2570. 7 2574. 3 2583. 2 Entropy kJ/kg # K sat. Liquid sf O. OOOO 0. 0610 0. 0761 0. 0912 0. 1212 0. 1510 0. 1658 o. 1806 0. 1953 02099 0_2245 0,2390 02535 0_2679 0,2823 02966 0. 3109 0. 3251 0. 3393 0. 3534 0. 3674 0. 3814 0. 954 0. 4093 0. 4231 0. 4369 0. 4507 0. 4644 0. 4781 0. 4917 0. 5053 0. 5188 0. 5458 0. 5725 0. 6387 sat. vapor sg 9. 1562 9. 0514 9. 0257 g. 0003 8. 9501 8,9008 8. 8765 8. 8524 8. 8285 8. 8048 8. 7814 8. 7582 8. 7351 8. 7123 8. 6897 8. 6672 86450 8. 6229 8. 601 1 8. 5794 8. 5580 8. 5367 8. 51 56 8. 4946 8. 4739 8. 4533 8. 4329 8. 4127 8. 3927 8. 3728 8. 3531 8. 3336 8. 2950 8. 25708. 1648 Temp.

C 4568 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2021 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 40 45 H20 Ternp. C . 01 456810 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 38 4045 Press. b PAGF ago 5 16 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 2627 28 29 3031 32 33 3435 36 38 40 45 press. bar 0,00611 0. 00813 0,00872 0,00935 0. 01072 0,01228 0. 01312 0. 01402 0. 01497 0. 01 598 0. 01705 0. 01 818 0. 01 938 0,02064 0,02198 0. 02339 0. 02487 0. 02645 0,02810 0,02985 0. 031 69 0. 03363 0. 03567 0. 03782 0. 04008 0,04246 0. 04496 0. 04759 0. 05034 0. 05324 0. 05628 0. 05947 0. 06632 0. 07384 0. 09593 sat. Liquidvf103 1. 0002 1. 0001 1. 0001 1. 0001 1. 0002 1. 0004 1 . 0004 1. 005 1 1 1. 0009 1 . 0011 1. 0012 1. 0014 1 . 0016 1 . 0018 1,0020 1 . 0022 1 . 0024 1,0027 1 . 0029 1 . 0032 1,0035 1 . 0037 1. 0040 1. 0043 1. 0046 1. 0050 1. 053 1. 0056 1. 0060 1. 0063 1. 0071 1 -0078 1,0099 Sat. Vaporvg 206. 136 157. 232 147. 120 137. 734 120. 917 106. 379 99. 857 93. 784 88. 124 82. 848 77. 926 73. 333 69. 044 65. 038 61. 293 57. 791 54. 514 51. 447 48. 574 45. 883 43. 360 40. 994 38. 774 36. 690 34. 733 32. 894 31. 165 29. 540 28. 011 26. 571 25. 216 23. 940 21. 602 19. 523 15. 258 Tames in SI units TABLE A-2 721 (Continued) Specific Volume m3/kg Internal Energy kJ/kg Sat. Liquid in SI Units TABLE A-2 Liquid uf209. 32 230. 1 251. 11 272. 02 292. 95 313. 90 334. 86 355. 84 376. 85 397. 88 418. 94 461 . 14 503. 50 546. 02 588. 74 631. 68 674. 86 718. 33 762. 9 806. 1 g 850. 65 895. 53 940. 87 986. 74 1033. 2 1080. 4 1128. 4 1177. 4 1227. 5 1278. 9 1332. 0 1,1nn. 6 1570. 3 1725. 2 2029. 6 Sat vapor ug 2443. 5 2450. 1 2456. 6 2463. 1 2469. 6 2475. 9 2482. 2 2488. 4 2494. 5 2500. 6 2506. 5 2518. 1 2529. 3 2539. 9 2550. 0 2559. 5 2568. 4 2576. 5 2583. 7 2590. 0 2595. 3 2599. 5 2602. 4 2603. 9 2604. 0 2602. 4 2599. 0 2593. 7 2586. 1 2575. 0 2563. 0 2525. 5 24646 2351. 5 2029. 6 sat. Liquid hf 209. 33 230. 23 251. 13 272. 06 292. 98 313. 93 334. 91 355. 90 376. 92 397. 6 419. 04 461 503. 71 546. 31 589. 13 632. 20 675. 55 719. 21 763. 22 807. 62 852. 45 897. 76 943. 62 990. 12 1037. 1085. 4 1 134. 4 1184. 5 1236. 0 1289. 1 1344. 0 1461. 5 1594. 2 1760. 5 2099. 3 Enthalpy kJ/kg E-vap. hfg 2382. 7 2370. 7 2358. 5 2346. 2 2333. 8 2321. 4 2308. 8 2296. 0 2283. 2 2270. 2 2257. 0 2230. 2 2202. 6 2174. 2 2144. 7 21 14. 3 2082. 6 20 PAGF 8 OF ago 2346. 2 2333. 8 2321 . 4 2308. 8 2296. 0 2283. 2 2270. 2 2257. 0 2230. 2 2202. 6 21 74. 2 2144. 7 21 14. 3 2082. 6 2049. 5 2015. 0 1978. 8 1940. 7 1900. 7 1858. 5 1813. 8 1766. 5 171 6. 2 1662. 5 1605. 2 1543. 6 1477. 1 1404. 9 1238. 6 1027. 9 720. 5 0 sat. vapor hg 2592. 2600. 9 2509. 5 2618. 3 2626. 8 2635. 3 2643. 7 2651 . 9 2660. 1 2668. 1 2676. 1 2691. 5 706. 3 2720. 5 2733. 9 2746. 5 2758. 1 2768,7 2778. 2 2786. 4 2793. 2 2798. 5 2802. 1 2804. 0 2803. 8 2801 . 5 2796. 6 2789. 7 2779. 6 2766. 2 2749. 0 2700. 1 2622. 0 2481. 0 2099. 3 Entropy kJ/kg # K Sat. Liquid sf . 7038 . 7679 . 8312 . 8935 . 9549 1. 0155 1. 0753 1. 1343 1. 1925 1 . 2500 1. 3069 1. 4185 1. 5276 1. 6344 1. 7391 1. 8418 1. 9427 2. 0419 2. 13% 2. 2359 2. 3309 2. 4248 2. 5178 2. 6099 2. 7015 2. 7927 2. 8838 2. 9751 3. 0668 3. 1594 3. 2534 3. 4480 3. 6594 3. 9147 4. 4298 Sat. vapor sg 8,0763 7,9913 7,9096 7,8310 7,7553 7,5824 7. 6122 7. 5445 7. 791 741 59 7. 3549 7. 2387 7. 1296 7. 0269 6. 9299 6. 8379 ,7502 6,6663 65857 6-5079 6,4323 63585 6,2861 6,2146 6,1437 6. 0730 6. 0019 5. 9301 5. 8571 5. 7821 5. 7045 5. 5362 5. 3357 5. 0526 4. 4298 6. 2861 6. 2146 6. 1437 6. 0730 6. 0019 5. 9301 5. 8571 5. 7821 5. 7045 5. 5352 5. 3357 5. 0526 4. 4298 Ternp. C 50 55 60 55 70 75 80 85 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 250 270 280 290 300 320 340 360 374. 14 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 320 340 360 374. 14 . 1235 . 1576 . 1994 . 2503 . 31 19 . 3858 . 4739 . 5783 . 7014 . 8455 I . 014 1. 33 1. 985 2. 701 3. 613 4. 58 6. 178 7. 917 10. 02 12. 54 15. 54 19. 06 23. 18 27. 95 33. 44 39. 73 46. 88 54. 99 64. 12 74. 36 85. 81 112. 7 145. g 186. 5 220. 9 1,0146 1. 0172 1. 0199 1,0228 1 . 0259 1. 0291 1,0325 1. 0-360 I . 0397 1. 0435 1. 0516 1. 0603 1. 0697 1. 0797 1. 0905 1. 1020 1. 1143 . 1565 1. 1726 1. 1900 1 . 2088 1. 2291 1. 2512 1. 2755 I . 3023 1. 3321 1. 3656 1. 4036 1. 4988 1. 6379 1. 8925 3. 155 1 -0121 1. 1274 1. 14141 12. 032 9. 568 7. 671 6. 197 5. 042 4. 131 3. 407 2. 828 2. 361 1 . 982 1 . 673 1. 210 0. 8919 0. 6685 0. 5089 0. 3928 0. 3071 0. 2428 0. 1941 o. 1555 0. 1274 0,1044 0,08519 0,07158 0,05975 0. 05013 0. 04 PAGF



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