
Categories: Trabalhos


April 3, 1028 Today was kind of a weird day. I woke up in my house and saw my servant putting some kind of screen around my bed but I was so tired from yesterdays party that couldn’t even get up. Man that party was crazy! After fell asleep again and woke up I said to my servant “Hey you, go get me some orange julce and come back over here, we need to have a little talk. So he got my juice and said “Sir, What do you want to talk about? ‘ “What is that screen around my bed? It’s a new way of decorating the room and there is a person behind the screen but you can only open it if you have enough intimacy with the person because ifyou open it, you have to marry the person be “0h ok” Since was ar 2 close to the screena opuv , Swipe to page guy, my first reaction ae got a bit of luck that t ife died, I went me a surprise, a riage isn’t legal so, Today different from yesterday was almost a normal day, today Swlpe vlew nexl page I had to find a wife to get married.

So asked my servant ifthere were any other screens could take a “look” at. So he took me to another screen and said “This one is going to be different, there is no men behind it! ” smiled a little but not because it was funny but because was kind of mad about yesterday. So the first thing I was looking for in the girls were their characteristics, like bright red lips, long black hair and the one I like the most, Highly painted eyebrows.

So asked my servant if any of women behind the creen had any of these characteristics, he said that all of them did, man I was so happy, so asked him “Can I open the screen? ” and he said “Notyet, you haven’t met her yet so you can’t do it! ” so asked him “but when can I meet her? ” he told me in about a few hours so got dressed up and we went to a dinner party. It was pretty nice over there, but just to summarize this day I would say it was actually pretty good, mean still got a wornen that can marry to.

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