Simple present tense

Categories: Trabalhos


Name: Number: Review Class: Simple Present Tense Para expressar verdades universais, ações habituais, fatos, planos e situações do cotidiano que acontecem no presente, utilizamos o Simple Present Tense. Exemplos: The Earth moves around the Suna IA Terra gira em torno do Sol. She always sleeps late. / Ela sempre dorme tarde. tv every day! / Eles assistem tv todo dia! They watch Estruturas do Simple * Affirmative Form: * para as pessoas I (eles ou elas) utilizam fazer qualquer altera OF3 p ), You (vocês) e They sem o “TO” e sem Exemplos: verbo To sing (cantar): I sing. You sing. / We sing. / You sing- / They sing. verbo To walk (andar): I walk. / You walk. / We walk. / You walk. / They walk. * Para as 3 as pessoas do singular He (ele), She (ela) e It (ele, ela) devemos adicionar —es no fim do verbo quando este terminar por sh, ch, ss, o, xe z. Exemplos de verbos: Sh I ch ss 101 x I z I Brush – brushes Teach – teaches Kiss – kisses I GO — goes Relax – relaxes Buzz – buzzes Wish – wishes Watch – watches Pass – passes Do – does Mix – mixes Quando o verbo terminar em Y, e estiver precedido de vogal, será acrescentado apenas o -s: ou it. Interrogative form: basta acrescentarmos os verbos auxiliares Do ou Does antes do sujeito. Se a pessoa do sujeito for He, She ou It usamos o verbo auxiliar Does e mantemos o verbo no infinitivo: Ex. : affirmative – She comes from Italy. Interrogative – Does she come from Italy? * Negative form: Na forma negativa colocamos o do not (don’t) ou does not (doesn’t) após o sujeito e mantemos o verbo no infinitivo: Ex. : affirmative – She comes from Italy. Negative – She does not (ou doesn’t) come from Italy.

Exercises 1- Complete the line with the correct verb: Song: Livin’ On A Prayer – by Bon Jovi Once upon a time Not so long ago Tommy used to work on the docks Unionis went on strike He’s down on his luck, it’s tough, so tough Gina the dinner all day (to work) Working for her man, she For love, for love to her pay (to brng) She , we’ve got to hold on to what we’ve got (to say) And it doesn’t make a difference Ifwe make it or not We’ve got each other and that’s a lot For love, we’ll give it a shot

Chorus: We’re half way there Livin’ on a prayer Take my hand, we’ll make it, I Livin’ on a praver (to swear) Int. b) My brother plays with them eveo,’ day. Nega c) Those women wash clothes every week. Neg. d) Marta and Luisa teach Portuguese. e) Mark goes to the club. f) He relaxes with passion fruit juice. g) Those bees buzz everytime. h) That girl cries like a baby. i) We work in a big company. j) That boy studies a lot. 3- Give the he, she, it forms of these verbs. Example: lie — lies a) Work b) Watch c) Stay d) Kiss e) Trv 3

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