
Categories: Trabalhos


Executive Summary for Lojas Marisa Bernardo Goldfarb, founder of Marisa, was almost born in a shoe store made by his father. The first store with 21 m2 was opened in 1 948 and step by step they started conquering the women’s apparel market, by selling clothes and accessories of major manufactures with competitive prices. Lojas Marisa today has 10. 000 employees and over 280 stores nationwide. Their strategic plan is to double the number of stores by 2015. There is also speculation that they are looking to buy a very large shoe store in Brazil. Marisa today is number 4 in the retail market.

They trade At this moment they focusing expenses o stockholders that co or6 to next*ge ange as AMAR3 ing initiative rb family, the major ly goes through a cost cutting process at this time ot the year and pushes vendors for large discounts. History with Kaseya and Revenue to date Customer since October, 29 2009 with a first deal of 3. 000 agents. Their biggest need was to have Linux agents to monitor and manage the POS at the stores. They actually licensed our Lynux agents before it was GA Today they have 10. 000 agents to support their store infrastructure.

This represents a net business o date for Kaseya of US$313K. They are using audit, inventory•, remote control, deployment, some procedures and reports. The Swlpe to vlew next page big benefits is that they have today is a single too’ to manage the distributed environment and keep their stores operational. potential to Kaseya We are working the opportunity to manage their offices and distribution centers around Brazil. If we add to their schedule of an additional +90 stores + backoffice and distribution centers, this should add +6000 agents, for an estimated net of $200K in additional licenses.

Adding Maintenance to this number, we should have a potential opportunity of US$250K NET to Kaseya in the next 12 months. Meeting participants Mendel Szlejf is CIO for Lojas Marisa since 1996. Before he was an IT semice provider for Lojas Marisa. Challenges and issues. Because they where an early adopter of our Lynux solution, they experienced a significant amount of tech issues that for almost over a year they really did not get any value of their investment. So managing effectively the different support needs have become a key challenge.

We have a big delay between an opened issue nd a resolution. This is caused by customer environment, poor connection and limited support access. Today we have a proposal to have a Kaseya AM 25% ofthe time to manage all these issues and to improve the solution utilization. But as they are In cost cutting mode, this proposal is on hold as they look for ways to justify the resource. The second challenge is that competition is creeping in. CA has on the table a proposal for a full blown IT Governance solution where thev is creeping in.

CA has on the table a proposal for a full blown IT Governance solution where they are including Desktop anagement as part Ofa bundle deal. They have taken the CIO to their headquarters in Long Island, wine and dined him, and are pushing hard for a relationship sale. Meeting objectives It is important to articulate our commitment to Loja Marisa, and recognize the important role they play in the grazil Market place. Summarize our investments in Customer Services and Support Worldwide Set the stage to pursue a more broader Ilcensing agreement aligned to their growth.

Extend an invitation to participate in future Kaseya Connect as a speaker?? He likes to be wined and dined. Executive Summary for Connectcom / UOL UOL is the most renowned and largest Brazilian portal content and Internet services provider. It has the most extensive content in portuguese and attracts seven of ten Internet users in Brazil. They have products directed to the corporate and consumer market and net income has reached USD180 million in the first quarter of 2011, an increase of 62% over the same quarter of 2010.

Last December, UOL completed the purchase of Diveo Broadband Networks, for USD $435,5 million. As a result, became the third largest service infrastructure of nformation technology in Latin America. UOL is controlled by the Folha Group, that in the last decade, the group has nearly tripled its revenues, reaching USD $ 1. 6 billion in 2010. The EBITDA reached S 364 million last year. PAGF3rl(F6 EBITDA reached $ 364 million last year. Connectcom (http:h”www. connectcom. com. br/) is a Kaseya sewice provider and they have government and corporate customers in Brazil.

One of their customers is IJOL with a product to give remote assistance to the residential market. Today UOL has 1 60K contracts (growing around IOK per quarter) and Connectcom is the service provider behind this service. We started to work on a service offering for UOL SoHo market with Connectcom using Kaseya. This offenng Will finally go alive in Mo months through the UOL portal. There is an expectation to have 5K managed machines by the end ofthis year and a exponentially growth next year.

Connectcom did the first deal in November, 27 2009 with 1000 machines (Kaseya NET — around 35Kto date). They are ideally looking to sell seruices with Kaseya in a massive way – look for a company like UOL to sell services through them to their customers. Potential to Kaseya We have a proposal for Connectcom to close this quarter IOK machines for 2 different projects (UOL and a Brazilian bank). The project with UOL has a projection to sell 5K machines this year, With a potential for 2012 of up to 100K agents.

Mauro – Director of Products for Soho and home market Rogerio Santucci – Product Manager for Soho and home market Barnabé – Consultant responsible for the massive proposals made by Co and home market made by Connectcom Valter Lima – Connectcom CEO We should have a challenge in our front that is technical team formed in Kaseya to support this project. We already have a TAM in place to start this team when is the time. * As the Strategic Vendor for Connectcom, articulate our commitment and focus in the Brazil Market with IJOL This would help strengthen Connectcom’s position and assure to UOL that Kaseya is the right partner. Assure UOL that we Will provide the necessary resources to Connectcom to assure that our technology is optimized during the delivery of services to UOL customers. * Push Connectcom to close a deal now with Kaseya. Executive Summary for Itautec On November 16 Itautec – Itaú Tecnologia SIA is established, aving the objective of positioning G upo Itaú at the forefront of banking automation. In business for over 30 years, Itautec is today the largest Brazilian technology company.

Present throughout Brazil, with a prominent positioning in Mercosul, Mexico, United States and Europe. It is one ofthe fevv companies in the market that offers complete solutions – from the products manufacturing to the management of services. Itautecis outsourcing can be implemented fully or partially, offering services such as: project development, implementation, integration, consolidation, administration, onitorine and support. monitoring and support. They have a big customers such as group Pão de Açucar (Casino Group), managing 19k machines (PDVs).

Itau and Bradesco bank (biggest Brazil bank) with 3. 9 thousand ATMs shipped. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT R$37. 4 million was invested in 1 H2011 in line with the Company’s Strategic Plan. Ofthis, R$ 34. 0 million went into research and development, mainly for the development of innovative products in the Automation segment, such as the Adattis Touchless 3D, the Face Tracking and the Recycling and Exchange ATMs; and R$ 3. 4 million into operational fixed assets. New customer. We have a proposal to close this quarter with 20K machines.

The ITAUTEC has a projection to 50K agents with Kaseya until 2012. Meeting participants and proflles Wilton Ruas (wilton. ruas@itautec. com) – VP of IT Antonio Casarotti (Antonio. casarotti@iteutec. com) – Sales Automation Manager Challenges and issues Integrate Kaseya with the platform Itautec management services (Automanager) adding new offerings and greatly reduces operating casts. We’re already doing the integration with the platform Itautec with completion scheduled for trial until the end of August. Meeting obiectives



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